The Mechanism of Muffler Check Valve

The muffler check valve is a kind of valve that automatically opens and closes the valve flap with the flow movement of the medium itself to prevent the backflow of the medium. It’s also known as counter-current valve and back pressure valve.
A muffler sanitary check valve is a kind of automatic valve. Its main use is to prevent backflow of the media, prevent reversal of pump and driving motor, discharge media in the container. It can also be used in pipelines that supply auxiliary systems in which the pressure may increase to or exceed the system pressure. It can be divided into swing-type (rotates according to the center of gravity) and lift-type (moves along the axis).
The purpose of the muffler check valve is to only allow the medium to flow in one direction and to prevent the flow in the reverse direction. Usually, this type of valve works automatically.
The valve flap opens under the pressure of the fluid flowing in one direction; when the fluid flows in the reverse direction, the fluid pressure and the weight of the valve flap have an effect on the valve seat, shutting off the flow.
When should check valves be used?
A check valve will be used commonly on the discharge of the pump to prevent backflow from the downstream system when the pump shuts off. Check valves are also used to prevent contaminated media in branches from flowing back into the main trunk line.
Thank you for reading our article and we hope it can help you better understand the mechanism of the muffler check valve. If you want to learn more about muffler check valves, we would like to advise you to visit Adamant Valve homepage for more information.