Valve History – Adamant Valves Sanitary Valves And Fittings, Sanitary Pumps Sat, 22 Feb 2025 09:04:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Valve History – Adamant Valves 32 32 New Discoveries of Sanitary Butterfly Valves Fri, 06 Sep 2019 19:38:05 +0000 http://urlup Food products and pharmacies are the two main or rather leading industries that use sanitary butterfly valves. The valves, like other devices in the industries, are used for sanitation purposes. This is mainly because conventional valves used in other industries cannot adapt to the high standards of fermentation of antibiotics required in these industries. Unfortunately, some […]

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Food products and pharmacies are the two main or rather leading industries that use sanitary butterfly valves. The valves, like other devices in the industries, are used for sanitation purposes. This is mainly because conventional valves used in other industries cannot adapt to the high standards of fermentation of antibiotics required in these industries. Unfortunately, some sanitary valves are susceptible to a wide range of setbacks such as bacterium pollution, high energy consumption, and corrosion.

butterfly valves

This may sound discouraging to business owners but fortunately, all is not lost. Lots of manufacturers have already managed to develop new sanitary valves which can take on the fermentation of antibiotics with ease. They can also withstand corrosion and resist rust. In short, they offer value for money.


The latest sanitary butterfly valves feature cutting-edge technological concepts meant to curb bacterium and polytetrafluoroethylene liners. This is made possible by the fact that screw threads of butterfly valves do not directly touch the production material. Keep in mind that the valves can withstand high temperatures as well as corrosive liquids. That explains why they are ideal for organic solvents, acids, and alkalis.


Working pressure, operating temperature, and diameter are some of the most important specifications one has to take into account when considering sanitary valves. The diameter is usually measured across the valve inlet or outlet port. Working pressure on the other hand is simply the pressure at which the valve is designed to optimally operate. Then there is the operating temperature which happens to be the most important specification.

It is simply the ideal temperature that can allow smooth flow of liquids through the valve without compromising their composition and ultimately quality. Note that these valves can be configured to work with gases, liquids, and liquids with suspended solids. The ideal temperature is therefore one that the valve can easily withstand and still function as it should.

Body Material

This can be either plastic or metal. Metal choices often include copper, cast iron, bronze, ductile iron, steel, and stainless steel. Plastic choices include CPVC and PVC. Common end connections may be threaded or buttweld. Other forms of connections on the common end may include solder end, lugged, flangeless wafer style, grooved end, and mechanical joint. Sanitary valve actuation types include pneumatic, manual and electric.

Choosing the best valve

Sanitary valves are not the same. That being said, you should only select your valves according to the characteristics and composition of the fluids that will pass through them. This explains why valves are made of different materials as already hinted.

Some materials can handle more corrosive and flammable liquids than others. Failure to take this simple consideration into account can easily lead to crystallization or corrosive build-up around the piston. This can in turn lead to unexpected safety problems some of which could be life-threatening.

Care and maintenance

You don’t have to worry much about the performance of your sanitary valve. They call for little maintenance. It should however be noted that regular inspection is mandatory if one is to enjoy the full benefits that come along with the valves.

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First Season Influenza Vaccine Manufactured Using Cell Culture Technology Fri, 06 Sep 2019 19:38:05 +0000 http://urlup The U.S.A. Food and Drug Administration announced on 21, Nov. 2012 the approval of Flucelvax, the first seasonal influenza vaccine licensed in the United States produced using cultured animal cells, instead of fertilized chicken eggs. Flucelvax is proven to prevent seasonal influenza in people aged 18 years and older. The Breakthrough Flucelvax is manufactured by […]

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The U.S.A. Food and Drug Administration announced on 21, Nov. 2012 the approval of Flucelvax, the first seasonal influenza vaccine licensed in the United States produced using cultured animal cells, instead of fertilized chicken eggs. Flucelvax is proven to prevent seasonal influenza in people aged 18 years and older.

The Breakthrough

Flucelvax is manufactured by Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics GmbH, Marburg, Germany. The manufacturing process is similar to the egg-based production method, but a significant difference is the applying of cell culture technology meaning that the virus strains included in the vaccine are grown in animal cells of mammalian origin instead of in eggs. This technology has already been used for several decades to produce other U.S. licensed vaccines.

About the Cell Culture Technology

Cell culture technology is a manufacturing alternative to conventional egg-based technology. Compared to the latter, this technology yields several advantages including the ability to maintain an adequate supply of readily available, previously tested, and characterized cells for use in vaccine production and the potential for a faster start-up of the vaccine manufacturing process in the event of a pandemic.

Flucelvax was evaluated in a randomized controlled clinical study conducted in the U.S.A. and Europe that involved about 7,700 people aged from 18 to 49 who received either Flucelvax or a placebo. The study showed that Flucelvax was 83.8% effective in preventing influenza.

Injection site and general reactions to Flucelvax were typical of those seen with current influenza vaccines. The use of Flucelvax in people older than 49 is supported by antibody responses in about 1,700 adults. Pain, redness, and soreness at the injection site, headache, and fatigue were the most common adverse reactions.

Influenza Prevention

Getting vaccinated each year remains one of the best ways to prevent seasonal influenza. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that every 6-month or older person receive an annual influenza vaccination.

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New Food Consumption Trend in USA Fri, 06 Sep 2019 19:38:05 +0000 http://urlup It is no doubt that Hispanics are a large and quickly growing group in USA. Besides changing the labor structure of USA, they are also influencing national consumption trends over the next 10 years. Therefore, food marketers who wish to stay ahead in the industry should never lose attention to this group of people.   […]

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It is no doubt that Hispanics are a large and quickly growing group in USA. Besides changing the labor structure of USA, they are also influencing national consumption trends over the next 10 years. Therefore, food marketers who wish to stay ahead in the industry should never lose attention to this group of people.


Hispanics are influencing the national consumption pattern in two categories: breakfast and side dished during dinner.


According to a one-year study conducted by Chicago-based NPD’s NET (National Eating Trends) Hispanic, 12% of Hispanics’ breakfasts include non-toasted bread, which counts only 2% of non-Hispanics’ breakfast. However, other foods are used less in Hispanics’ breakfasts, such as hot cereal, which gas a 10% share in non-Hispanics’ breakfast, 4% more than that in Hispanics’.

This shift should be good news for bread makers and bakery departments, who should make efforts to get connected with Hispanics as soon as possible. However, this shift is not absolutely bad news for cereal marketers. They can appeal to this group in ways that differ from traditional efforts. For example, the warm and convenient hot cereal will probably help because Hispanics are already consuming warm breakfasts at above average rates

Side Dishes during Dinner

Compared to non-Hispanics, Hispanics eat rice more often at lunch and dinner. During a period when side dish consumption was declining across all major categories, both plain and flavored rice were included in more meals as a side dish among the overall population.

The choices for food of Hispanics are very possibly a result of traditions. When asked to describe how frequently Latino/Hispanic traditions are followed in their homes, 96% of Hispanic respondents indicated that they always/often/sometimes follow these traditions when planning and serving meals for the household.

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RFID Tags Ensure Food Quality and Sanitation Fri, 06 Sep 2019 19:38:05 +0000 http://urlup In the food industry, nothing is more important than sanitation and safety. To ensure this, manufacturers should use qualified equipment, including pipelines, sanitary valves, sanitary fittings, pumps, etc., follow the Good Manufacturing Practices and other relative regulations for food safety. However, qualified manufacturing is not all. It is equally important a proper handling and transport, which has long […]

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In the food industry, nothing is more important than sanitation and safety. To ensure this, manufacturers should use qualified equipment, including pipelines, sanitary valvessanitary fittingspumps, etc., follow the Good Manufacturing Practices and other relative regulations for food safety. However, qualified manufacturing is not all. It is equally important a proper handling and transport, which has long been a big challenge for the food supply. In many cases, even safely transported goods were not delivered in optimal quality due to improper refrigeration and storage. In recent years, the US government agencies have put even more emphasis on this challenge. In the past two years, there were massive recalls by the Food and Drug Administration, resulting in approximately 85 foods being pulled from store shelves.

Deteriorated foods, if known, have to be abandoned, which will cause an unimaginable waste. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, consumers in the United States waste every year 33 million tons of food, which has significant economic and environmental impacts. There is also the significant impact on revenue for the food producers.

Under the great pressure of stiff competition and ever-shrinking margins, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers are looking for ways to maximize efficiencies, minimize costs and avoid waste. And with increased government regulation, it is clear that the industry must closely monitor and ensure high quality of supply chain conditions for food.

Currently, Food manufacturers and distributors adopt radio frequency identification (RFID) tags with sensors to ensure the proper handling and transport. RFID tags are made up of small radio frequency units, comprised of a simple silicon microchip, that send signals to readers, which are also small RF units. The tags’ information is stored electronically in non-volatile memory relying on an Electronic Product Code (EPC) to track the physical location of the tagged items. The tags can be active (with a battery), passive (no battery, drawing power from the reader) or a combination of the two (battery assisted passive).

Tags don’t need to be within the readers’ line of sight, so they can be located inside a case, carton or container. As products travel through a supply chain, the readers can transmit information to systems running RFID software to collect and distribute information in real time to a database for analysis.

These sensor-paired ‘smart tags’ will send alerts when food is exposed to unfavorable conditions during transport. In some cases, trucks are outfitted with GPS receivers and satellite communications links so that shipping companies can monitor their locations and send trucks to closer locations for deliveries if necessary.

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Plumbing Industry History Fri, 06 Sep 2019 19:38:05 +0000 http://urlup Plumbing is any system that carries fluids for a wide range of applications. Plumbing uses pipes, valves, plumbing fixtures, tanks, and other apparatuses to convey fluids. Heating and cooling (HVAC), waste removal, and potable water delivery are among the most common uses for plumbing, but they are not limited to these applications. Plumbing originated during […]

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Plumbing is any system that carries fluids for a wide range of applications. Plumbing uses pipes, valves, plumbing fixtures, tanks, and other apparatuses to convey fluids. Heating and cooling (HVAC), waste removal, and potable water delivery are among the most common uses for plumbing, but they are not limited to these applications.

Plumbing originated during ancient civilizations such as the Greek, Roman, Persian, Indian, and Chinese cities as they developed public baths and needed to provide potable water and wastewater removal, for larger numbers of people.

Plumbing reached its peak at the beginning of ancient Rome, with the introduction of extensive aqueduct systems, sewage removal, and the widespread use of lead pipes. With the fall of Rome, water supply and sanitation stagnated or declined for over 1,000 years.

The improvement was very slow, with little effective progress achieved until the growth of modern, densely populated cities in the 1800s. During this period, public health authorities began pressing for better waste disposal systems to be installed, to prevent or control epidemics of disease. Earlier, the waste disposal system had merely consisted of collecting waste and dumping it on the ground or into a river. Eventually, the establishment of separate groundwater and sewer systems eliminated sewer ditches and open sumps.

In the developed world, plumbing infrastructure is essential for public health and sanitation. Today, most major cities dump solid waste into sewage treatment plants to partially separate and purify the water before dumping it into streams or other bodies of water. Then, sanitary fittings are required in such a process.

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F.S.M.A. Starting to Take Shape Fri, 06 Sep 2019 19:38:05 +0000 http://urlup The Food and Drug Administration has proposed two long-awaited regulations as part of the Food Safety Modernization Act (F.S.M.A.).  The first proposed rule will mandate food-processing plants develop and implement hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) plans. The second rule will foster the establishment and enforcement of safety standards for the production and harvesting […]

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The Food and Drug Administration has proposed two long-awaited regulations as part of the Food Safety Modernization Act (F.S.M.A.).  The first proposed rule will mandate food-processing plants develop and implement hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) plans. The second rule will foster the establishment and enforcement of safety standards for the production and harvesting of produce.

Under the HACCP proposal, food companies will be required to identify and control potential risks for contamination. The proposal is part of the F.D.A.’s effort to focus on the prevention of food safety threats. Many companies will be required to comply with the HACCP proposal one year after publication in the Federal Register, with additional time allowed for small and very small businesses. Therefore, sanitary valves and sanitary fittings may be utilized more frequently in the following years.

FSMA preparation

The fresh produce proposal establishes science- and risk-based standards for water and soil quality, worker hygiene, and animal intrusion on fields. The F.D.A. proposes larger farms comply with the requirements 26 months after the rule is published in the Federal Register, with additional time allowed for small and very small farms.

“We know one-size-fits-all rules won’t work,” said Michael R. Taylor, the F.D.A.’s deputy commissioner for foods and veterinary medicine. “We’ve worked to develop proposed regulations that can be both effective and practical across today’s diverse food system.”

For example, under the proposed produce safety rule fruits and vegetables that must be cooked prior to consumption, such as potatoes and artichokes, will not be subject to the same standards as foods that may be eaten raw.

“The F.D.A. knows that food safety, from farm to fork, requires partnership with industry, consumers, local, state, and tribal governments, and our international trading partners,” said Margaret A. Hamburg, F.D.A. commissioner. “Our proposed rules reflect the input we have received from these stakeholders and we look forward to working with the public as they review the proposed rules.”

F.D.A. officials added that the agency will issue additional proposed regulations related to the F.S.M.A. in the coming months. “We are pleased that implementation of F.S.M.A. is moving forward and look forward to working with the F.D.A. by continuing to share our food safety expertise and best practices and by evaluating and commenting on the proposed rules,” said Pamela G. Bailey, president, and chief executive officer of the Grocery Manufacturers Association. The proposed rules will be available for public comment 120 days from the date of publication in the Federal Register.

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Latest Discoveries of Sanitary Valves in the US Fri, 06 Sep 2019 19:38:05 +0000 http://urlup Food products and pharmacies are the two main or rather important industries that use sanitary valves. Valves, like other devices in industries, are used for remediation purposes. This is mainly due to the fact that conventional valves used in other industries cannot adapt to the high standards of antibiotic fermentation required in these industries. Unfortunately, […]

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Food products and pharmacies are the two main or rather important industries that use sanitary valves. Valves, like other devices in industries, are used for remediation purposes. This is mainly due to the fact that conventional valves used in other industries cannot adapt to the high standards of antibiotic fermentation required in these industries.

Unfortunately, some sanitary valves are subject to a wide range of setbacks such as bacterial pollution, high energy consumption, and corrosion.

This may seem daunting for business owners but, fortunately, not everything is lost. Many manufacturers have already successfully developed new sanitary valves that can easily handle the fermentation of antibiotics. They can also resist corrosion and resist rust. In short, they offer good value for money.

The latest sanitary valves in the US feature state-of-the-art technological concepts for curbing bacteria and polytetrafluoroethylene liners. This is made possible by the fact that the threads of the valves do not directly touch the production material. Keep in mind that valves can withstand high temperatures as well as corrosive liquids. This explains why they are ideal for organic solvents, acids, and alkalis.

sanitary valves

Operating pressure, operating temperature, and diameter are some of the most important specifications to consider when considering sanitary valves. The diameter is usually measured through the inlet or outlet port of the valve.

On the other hand, the operating pressure is simply the pressure at which the valve is designed to operate optimally. Then there is the operating temperature which is the most important specification. It is simply the ideal temperature that can allow the smooth flow of liquids through the valve without compromising their composition and ultimately their quality.

Note that these valves can be configured to operate with gases, liquids, and liquids containing suspended solids. The ideal temperature is the one that the valve can easily handle and function as it should.

The sanitary valves are not the same. That being said, you should only select your valves based on the characteristics and composition of the fluids that will pass through them. This explains why the valves are made of different materials as already suggested.

Some materials may handle more corrosive and flammable liquids than others. Ignoring this simple consideration can easily lead to crystallization or accumulation of corrosion around the piston. This can in turn lead to unexpected safety issues, some of which could be fatal.

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